Magnitude 3.7 earthquake in Spain, not far from Madrid

Today at 17:06 UTC there was an magnitude 3.7 earthquake (automatic magnitude) not far from Madrid, Spain. I am not sure if this earthquake was felt in Madrid or nearby towns. But so far nothing has been reported so far on EMSC web page.

The magnitude 3.7 earthquake in Spain. Regional view. Copyright of this image belongs to EMSC.

Local view of the magnitude 3.7 earthquake in Spain. Copyright of this image belongs to EMSC.

It is unlikely that aftershocks are going to happen in this area. As this was inner-plate earthquake that took place here. They happen every few years in Spain and other places in Europe that normally do not have any earthquake activity.

Earthquake swarm in northern Italy

Today there has been ongoing earthquake swarm in northern Italy. The largest earthquake in the swarm have had the magnitude Mb4.5 and ML4.3. The earthquakes took place on different fault-lines. With over 50 km between them. But it seems that earthquake activity that started in this region of Italy is not over yet it seems. But activity in this area has in past few months made earthquakes with over magnitude 6.0 in size.

The magnitude 4.3 earthquake in northern Italy. Copyright of this image belongs to EMSC.

The magnitude 4.5 earthquake in northern Italy. Copyright of this image belongs to EMSC.

Following this earthquakes more then dozen of smaller earthquake did take place. Many with the magnitude up to 3.0 in size. The largest earthquakes where felt according to EMSC. I do not know if any damage took place following this earthquake activity. This earthquake activity is possibly over by now. But it is hard to more to know that for sure at this time.

Ný jarðskjálftahrina að hefjast í Eyjafjallajökli / New earthquake swarm in Eyjafjallajökli

Eftir rúmlega 24 klukkustunda hlé þá virðist sem að ný jarðskjálftahrina sé að hefjast í Eyjafjallajökli. Þetta virðist vera munstrið í Eyjafjallajökli þessa dagana. Það á þó eftir að koma í ljós hvort að núverandi jarðskjálftahrina verður stór eða ekki.


There have been just about 24 hours since the last earthquake swarm happened in Eyjafjallajökull volcano, and it appears that a new earthquake swarm is picking up at this moment. It however remains to be seen if the earthquake swarm that is starting is going to be big or not.