Status on the eruption in Eyjafjallajökull

Here are some information on the eruption in Eyjafjallajökull. The eruption continues on what appears to be more strength over the last few hours. That is what was seen before darkness happened and what tremor data from Icelandic Met Office is showing at the moment. Current GPS data show a large deflation of the volcano, but that does not mean that the eruption is going to stop soon. At current time there is no indication that the eruption is going to stop any time soon. When that happens is a great unknown at the moment.

The ash cloud is now expected to go south of Iceland. But that might not change a lot for air flight in Europe, as the ash cloud is reaching at least 5 km altitude, but it has reached as high 11 km. But if the eruption is getting stronger that might change with a short to no warning at all.

This eruption is andesite in nature according to a chemical analyse of the ash that has fallen. But that means it is explosive, even with out water entering the mixture.

Text updated at 09:53 17th April 2010.

4 Replies to “Status on the eruption in Eyjafjallajökull”

  1. Takk fyrir að standa vörðinn og miðla upplýsingum til okkar í gegnum bloggið þitt. Mér hefur fundist erfitt að finna nokkrar aðrar haldbærar upplýsingar. Það eru svo margir vinir mínir hér í UK sem æatluðu að fljúga um helgina eða í næstu viku.
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