Status update on eruption in Eyjafjallajökull at 11:57 UTC

Here is a short update on the eruption in Eyjafjallajökull at 11:57 UTC.

Currently it looks like that the eruption is gaining strength, based on the data from tremor plots from Icelandic Met Office. The ash plume has been stable, but on occasions it has dropped down to nothing. But that almost never lasts more the few minutes or less before a new ash plume raises fast up from Eyjafjallajökull.

Currently there is a lot of ash coming from the volcano, it is reaching 5 to 10 km high up to the atmosphere in my opinion. Due to wind, the ash cloud is mostly drifting to south. But high altitude wind might carry it to Europe and prevent any air travel in Europe for coming days, or weeks.

One Reply to “Status update on eruption in Eyjafjallajökull at 11:57 UTC”

  1. Takk fyrir þetta… Ég held áfram að setja hlekki á þig af FB prófílnum mínum, erlendir vinir eru mjög þakklátir að fá þessar færslur frá þér…

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