Ákveðnar greinar nýrra fjölmiðlalaga brjóta gegn frelsi fjölmiðla á Íslandi

Mér sýnist við lestur nýrra fjölmiðlalaga að ákveðnar greinar þeirra laga ganga of langt. Sérstaklega í ljósi þess að rammalöggjöf ESB/EES sem þessi lög byggja á krefjast þess ekki að gengið sé svona langt í lagasetningu eins og gert er á Íslandi.

Enda er þetta hérna sérstaklega tekið fram í umræddri rammalöggjöf.

(6) Traditional audiovisual media services — such as television — and emerging on-demand audiovisual media services offer significant employment opportunities in the Community, particularly in small and medium-sized enterprises, and stimulate economic growth and investment. Bearing in mind the importance of a level playing-field and a true European market for audiovisual media services, the basic principles of the internal market, such as free competition and equal treatment, should be respected in order to ensure transparency and predictability in markets for audiovisual media services and to achieve low barriers to entry.

(7) Legal uncertainty and a non-level playing-field exist for European companies delivering audiovisual media services as regards the legal regime governing emerging on-demand audiovisual media services. It is therefore necessary, in order to avoid distortions of competition, to improve legal certainty, to help complete the internal market and to facilitate the emergence of a single information area, that at least a basic tier of coordinated rules apply to all audiovisual media services, both television broadcasting (i.e. linear audiovisual media services) and on-demand audiovisual media services (i.e. non-linear audiovisual media services). The basic principles of Directive 89/552/EEC, namely the country of origin principle and common minimum standards, have proved their worth and should therefore be retained.

(15) No provision of this Directive should require or encourage Member States to impose new systems of licensing or administrative authorisation on any type of audiovisual media service.

(19) For the purposes of this Directive, the definition of media service provider should exclude natural or legal persons who merely transmit programmes for which the editorial responsibility lies with third parties.

(21) The scope of this Directive should not cover electronic versions of newspapers and magazines.

(23) The notion of editorial responsibility is essential for defining the role of the media service provider and therefore for the definition of audiovisual media services. Member States may further specify aspects of the definition of editorial responsibility, notably the notion of „effective control“, when adopting measures to implement this Directive. This Directive should be without prejudice to the exemptions from liability established in Directive 2000/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2000 on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular electronic commerce, in the Internal Market (Directive on electronic commerce) [16].

(32) Member States should be able to apply more detailed or stricter rules in the fields coordinated by this Directive to media service providers under their jurisdiction, while ensuring that those rules are consistent with general principles of Community law. In order to deal with situations where a broadcaster under the jurisdiction of one Member State provides a television broadcast which is wholly or mostly directed towards the territory of another Member State, a requirement for Member States to cooperate with one another and, in cases of circumvention, the codification of the case-law of the Court of Justice [18], combined with a more efficient procedure, would be an appropriate solution that takes account of Member State concerns without calling into question the proper application of the country of origin principle. The notion of rules of general public interest has been developed by the Court of Justice in its case law in relation to Articles 43 and 49 of the Treaty and includes, inter alia, rules on the protection of consumers, the protection of minors and cultural policy. The Member State requesting cooperation should ensure that the specific national rules in question are objectively necessary, applied in a non-discriminatory manner, and proportionate.

(39) In order to safeguard the fundamental freedom to receive information and to ensure that the interests of viewers in the European Union are fully and properly protected, those exercising exclusive television broadcasting rights to an event of high interest to the public should grant other broadcasters the right to use short extracts for the purposes of general news programmes on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms taking due account of exclusive rights. Such terms should be communicated in a timely manner before the event of high interest to the public takes place to give others sufficient time to exercise such a right. A broadcaster should be able to exercise this right through an intermediary acting specifically on its behalf on a case-by-case basis. Such short extracts may be used for EU-wide broadcasts by any channel including dedicated sports channels and should not exceed 90 seconds.

The right of access to short extracts should apply on a trans-frontier basis only where it is necessary. Therefore a broadcaster should first seek access from a broadcaster established in the same Member State having exclusive rights to the event of high interest to the public.

The notion of general news programmes should not cover the compilation of short extracts into programmes serving entertainment purposes.

The country of origin principle should apply to both the access to, and the transmission of, the short extracts. In a trans-frontier case, this means that the different laws should be applied sequentially. Firstly, for access to the short extracts the law of the Member State where the broadcaster supplying the initial signal (i.e. giving access) is established should apply. This is usually the Member State in which the event concerned takes place. Where a Member State has established an equivalent system of access to the event concerned, the law of that Member State should apply in any case. Secondly, for transmission of the short extracts, the law of the Member State where the broadcaster transmitting the short extracts is established should apply.

Það er hægt að lesa rammalögin frá ESB hérna.

Directive 2007/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2007 amending Council Directive 89/552/EEC on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in Member States concerning the pursuit of television broadcasting activities (Text with EEA relevance)

Það er því augljóst að Menntamálaráðherra og þeir ráðherrar sem báru ábyrgð á íslensku fjölmiðlalögum er umtalsvert mikil. Þar sem að íslensku fjölmiðlalögin eru margfalt strangari og þrengri heldur en rammalöggjöf ESB segir til um og gerir kröfur um.

Íslensku fjölmiðlalögin.

Lög um fjölmiðla.

Þessi fjölmiðlalög ber því að endurskoða án tafar og breyta þeim í samræmi við rammalöggjöf ESB.