Það sem ESB hefur gert fyrir almenning í Evrópu (líka á Íslandi, að hluta til)

Hérna er listi frá því fyrir nokkrum árum síðan yfir það sem ESB hefur gert fyrir almenning. Hluti af þessum atriðum nær einnig til Íslendinga vegna aðildar Íslands að EES samningum.

Ten things the EU has done for you (BBC News)
So, what has Europe ever done for us? Apart from… (The Independent)

Þarna má sjá að fullyrðingar andstæðinga ESB um ESB eru frekar hæpnar, og oft hreinlega uppspuni og lygar.

The EESC, a key partner in Enlargement!

Since the very beginning, the EESC has worked closely with the new member states, strengthening civil society and democracy, helping the transition to an enlarged Europe. Today, 5 years after the accession of 10 new EU Member States, and later Bulgaria and Romania, the Committee’s current tally of 344 members represent Europe’s societal and economic realities like no other. This strength is crucial in order to build a united Europe. In this video clip, we will hear the new members’ voices. What has the EU brought to their countries? What are their dreams? The European Economic and Social Committee: a key partner in the enlargement. A unique place to shape tomorrow’s Europe.

Afsögn Forsætisráðherra Króatíu og fréttaflutningur Morgunblaðsins

Það er margt undarlegt sem gerist í fréttamiðlum á Íslandi, fréttir hverfa og stundum verða jafnvel nýjar fréttir til úr þurru virðist vera. Stundum koma inn hlutir í fréttir sem virðast hvergi hafa átt sér stað, nema inná skrifstofum Morgunblaðsins.

Á mbl.is er að finna frétt um afsögn Króatíska Forsætisráðherrans, þar kemur meðal annars þessi fullyrðing fram.

Aðspurður sagði Sanader að erfiðleikarnir vegna Evrópusambandsins hefðu haft áhrif á afsögn hans. „Evrópusambandið og verkefnið um evrópskan samruna eiga ekki möguleika ef mútur eru viðurkennd aðferðafræði innan Evrópusambandsins,“ sagði Sanader og átti við aðgerðir Slóvena gegn Króatíu.

Heimssýn, félag þröngsýnna hefur einnig stökkið á þessa frétt og blásið málið út á vef sínum.

Í erlendum fréttum af þessari afsögn er þetta ekki nefnt, hvergi er talað um mútur. Þetta er hérna er það sem kemur fram á erlendum fréttavefjum um þessa afsögn.

In addition, Croatia’s bid to join the EU — Mr. Sanader’s goal for nearly a decade — has been stopped by neighboring Slovenia, which has blocked negotiations because of a border dispute.

Mr. Sanader acknowledged that the EU snag „played a role“ in his decision to resign. He scolded EU leaders for tolerating what he termed Slovenia’s „blackmail.“

Asked whether he really is leaving politics for good, Mr. Sanader said that he „cannot exclude“ making a return.

Tekið héðan.

“I have decided to leave politics altogether,” Sanader told reporters in the capital Zagreb today. “This wasn’t an easy decision and it’s a result of thorough consideration. There comes a time in life when one has to start a new beginning.”

Sanader has quit as Croatia tries to keep its bid to join the EU from being derailed by a border dispute with neighboring Slovenia, an EU member and also a former Yugoslav republic. Croatia, with 4.4 million citizens, is being battered with the rest of eastern Europe by the global economic crisis.

Tekið héðan.

Croatia’s prime minister resigned yesterday citing „personal reasons“ and frustration with the slowness of the final steps in the country’s move to join the European Union.

Ivo Sanader’s departure leaves fears of a power vacuum as the government struggles to resolve boundary questions with Slovenia, the neighbouring EU member that has put Croatia’s negotiations on ice.


In reality, however, bickering over land and maritime borders with Slovenia – the only ex-Yugoslav country already in the EU – escalated further than expected. Mr Rehn has failed to bring the two sides together, leaving Croatia’s accession bid stalled.

„My job has been done, my political life ends now,“ Mr Sanader said.

His credibility started wearing thin in the past year, as „mafia“ violence struck Zagreb and the global financial crisis gutted tourism and investment inflows. The economy shrank 6.7 per cent in the first quarter, compared to positive growth of 2.4 per cent for last year and over 5 per cent for previous years.

Mr Sanader denied rumours that he was ill. Despite his protestations, he has stayed on as the HDZ’s „honorary president“, perhaps leaving the door open for him to return.

Tekið héðan.

„I have decided to withdraw from active politics and will not run as a candidate for Croatian president“ in elections due this year, Sanader told a hastily arranged media conference.

„Thank God I am not ill… and I admit that I did not accept offers for engagement in European Union institutions,“ he said without elaborating on the shock announcement.

He said his party was to propose Deputy Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor as his immediate successor to President Stipe Mesic.

Tekið héðan.

„I have decided to withdraw from active politics and will not run as a candidate for Croatian president“ in elections due this year, Sanader told a hastily arranged news conference.

„Thank God I am not ill… and I admit that I did not accept offers for engagement in European Union institutions,“ he said, appearing relaxed while not elaborating on the move.

Sanader, 56, who has dominated Croatian politics for the past six years, said his party would propose Deputy Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor as his immediate successor to President Stipe Mesic.

His surprise move comes after the EU stopped accession talks last week with Zagreb due to a border row with neighbouring EU-member Slovenia, which has blocked the EU process since December.


Asked whether his announcement was prompted by Croatia’s stalled EU bid, Sanader admitted the issue had contributed to his decision.

„I certainly also had that in my mind while I was considering this decision,“ he said.

„The EU… and the project of European integration have no chance if the principle of blackmailing is accepted as a principle of acting within the EU,“ he said, referring to Ljubljana’s position.

Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor said Sanader’s resignation was an internal matter for Zagreb but expressed hopes that Croatia will continue to seek EU membership.

The border dispute over a small slither of land and sea at Piran Bay was caused by „Zagreb’s inclusion in the accession talks of documents that prejudge“ the frontier, Pahor said, according to the Slovenian news agency STA.

Tekið héðan.

Af þessu má ráða þetta. Frétt Morgunblaðsins um meint mútur ESB til þessa fyrrverandi Forsætisráðherra Króatíu virðast ekki vera neitt annað en uppspuni blaðamanns Morgunblaðsins. Þegar erlendir fréttavefir eru skoðaðir, þá kemur í ljós að þessi meintu mútur áttu sér ekki stað. Reyndar er hvergi talað um mútur nema í frétt Morgunblaðsins (mbl.is) af þessari afsögn Króatíska Forsætisráðherrans. Eins og augljóslega má sjá á þeim erlendu fréttavefjum sem ég kannaði og vitna í.

Svona fréttaflutningur Morgunblaðsins er ekkert annað en óábyrgur, og sérlega hannaður til þess að dreifa rangfærslum um ESB til almennings. Eitthvað sem ég mun persónulega aldrei þola, og mun því leiðrétta slíkan fréttaflutning verði ég hans var. Fólki til upplýsingar, enska orðið „engagement“ (frekari útskýring á orðinu hérna) þýðir ekki mútur, eins og mbl.is heldur fram.

Life Long Learning programme

An Indonesian wants to design robots to help the disabled, a Kenyan to put clean water into people’s homes. What do they have in common? They are making their dreams come true through the EU’s Erasmus program. Wiratna has already graduated from Djakarta University — now she’s off to Dresden University of Technology. Serah is doing a Masters at Faro University in Portugal. The new Erasmus Mundus programme will make it possible for these two women, and the many others who come to study from outside Europe, to make their dreams a reality.

Help – for a life without tobacco

The European Union has made the fight against smoking one of its top public health priorities. Tobacco-related diseases are the single largest cause of death in Europe today. Tobacco accounts for over 650,000 deaths every year in the European Union, i.e. one death out of seven. This figure includes 19,000 deaths from passive smoking and these people have never even smoked!

Írar fá auka-undanþágur í Lisbon sáttmálanum

Írar hafa fengið auka-undanþágur í Lisbon sáttmálanum samkvæmt fréttum BBC News.

EU agrees Irish treaty compromise

EU leaders have agreed a deal they hope will secure the Lisbon Treaty a „Yes“ vote in a second Irish referendum.

Ireland won legally-binding assurances that Lisbon would not affect Irish policies on military neutrality, taxes and abortion, diplomats said.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy said leaders had agreed to Irish demands that the guarantees would be given the status of a treaty „protocol“.

But he stressed it would not affect the other 26 member countries.

The leaders have also agreed in principle to a new framework of rules to oversee the EU’s financial sector.

On Thursday they backed Jose Manuel Barroso for a new term as president of the European Commission.


ESB stjórnar ekki auðlindum aðildarríkjanna

Það trúa því margir að ESB stjórni auðlindum aðildarríkjanna. Þetta er kolrangt og hver sá sem heldur þessu fram er einfaldlega að ljúga. Svo að þetta sé haft einfalt og þægilegt. Sendiherra ESB gagnvart Íslandi og Noregi (EES samningurinn) útskýrir þetta mál mjög vel í nýlegri bloggfærslu um málið, en hann hafði fengið spurningu frá Íslendingi varðandi þetta mál.

Hægt er að lesa bloggfærslu Sendiherrans með því að smella á slóðina hérna fyrir neðan.

Does the EU control the natural resources of its member states?